This year I decided to make a Christmas Word Search and include it as part of my Christmas card design. There are over 30 words and short phrases relating to Christmas. When you find them all take the letters that remain in the grid, with spaces inserted at the correct points these will spell out a hidden message (you may find it useful to use Google Translate!).

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After two weeks, only one couple had solved it so I’ve decided to give some hints:
Additional Hints (click to reveal)
- Hint 1– There are 30 words and 7 short phrases to find
- Hint 2– Read Luke 2
- Hint 3– Read Isaiah 9:6-7
- Hint 4-The 7 short phrases are:
Caesar Augustus, Everlasting Father, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Swaddling Clothes, Wise Men, Wonderful Counselor
- Hint 5-The 30 words are:
Advent, Angels, Babe, Bethlehem, Census, Christ, David, Egypt, Frankincense, Gabriel, Gold, Herod, Immanuel, Inn, Isaiah, Jesus, Joseph, Judea, Lord, Magi, Manger, Mary, Messiah, Myrrh, Prophecy, Quirinius, Saviour, Shepherds. Star. Virgin
- Hint 6-The hidden message is in German
- The Answer (German)Betrachten Sie die Raben: Sie säen nicht oder ernten, sie haben keinen Abstellraum oder Scheune; Doch Gott ernährt sie. Und wie viel wertvoller sind Sie als Vögel! Wer von Ihnen durch Sorgen kann eine Stunde zu Ihrem Leben hinzufügen? Da Sie nicht tun können, diese sehr kleine Sache, warum machst du dir Sorgen über den Rest? Lukasevangelium XII
- The Answer (English)Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12 (v24-26)