Citation Details: httpÂ://ÂwwwÂ.ÂtorrensÂ.ÂorgÂ.ÂukÂ/ÂGenealogyÂ/ÂBannValleyÂ/ÂchurchÂ/ÂMagheraCOIÂ/ÂgraveyardÂ.Âhtml Text: 302 Paul
In loving memory of David Paul, of Carrickokielt, died 7th January 1894, Aged 63 years. Also his Wife Martha Ann, who died 30th November 1909 Aged 81 years.
Note: In the name of God Amen. I David Paul of Carricknakielt in the county of Londonderry, farmer, hereby revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me and declare this to be my last will. first after my decease I wish my body to be decently buried I leave to my wife Martha Ann Paul her upkeeping in this house in which I am now living so long as she might choose to live here and 15 shillings every quarter from the day of my decease to be paid to her to buy clothing or do as she pleases with. but if at any time she chooses to leave this house she is to get for her use and for the use of my two daughters hereafter named or any (one) or all three of them or any two of them the dwelling house garden and commons formerly occupied by Robert James Speers And a portion of ? sufficient to cut and ? 40 or 50 casts of turf and as many loads of bog as the may require for ?use ( or what is known as Bradley's Moss) and my wife Martha Ann Paul is to get £13 per annum paid of the farm in quarterly instalments first instalment to be paid when she may choose to leave this place to go to live in the above-named house and £3 five to be paid to her every quarter thereafter during her natural life. I leave to my son Hugh Paul £50 in case he returns to Ireland he is to get the money paid to him. but in case he remains abroad and does not return to Ireland he is not to get the money until four years after my decease and there is no interest to be paid on the money to him. My son James Paul has got all I allow him. I leave to my daughter Margaretta Paul £80 Stirling also the use of the above named house garden commons and ? as long as she may remain single and unmarried and chooses to occupy them. My son Charles John Paul has got all I allow him. I leave to my daughter Annie Matilda Paul £70 stg and the use of the above named house garden commons and ? as long as she may remain single and unmarried and chooses to occupy them. to my wife Martha Ann Paul, my daughter Margaretta Paul, my daughter Annie Matilda Paul are each or any of any two of them or all together are to have the use of the above named house garden Commons and ? free of any rent ratio or ? whatever during their natural Life provided they or any of them remains unmarried. But if either of my two daughters marry's she forfeits her right to the above named house garden Commons and ? and when they marry at my wife's decease the said house garden Commons and ? will be the property of the owner of the farm. My son David Paul has got all I allow him. They above named sums are to be paid to the different legatees free of any charge or duty whatever. I leave to my son William Paul all the residue of my homes and lands ? and the effects of every kind and description whatever after my first debts and the above legacies are paid and the conditions contained in this will are fulfilled and I appoint Thomas McKay of Mullagh auctioneer and farmer and Mr Samuel Lytle of the Victoria Warehouse Maghera executors of this my last will and testament. For witness whereoff I have hereonto put my hand this 12th day of October 1893 David (x his Mark) Paul. Signed by the said testator David Paul as his last will in presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereonto Set our names as witnesses. They word wife interlined between 4th and 5th lines being first written thereon. Witnesses Thomas McKay Thomas Shiels