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Show Surname lists    Include married names   

Families with surname P

FAM  INDI  Name  HUSB:GIVN  Age  INDI  Name  WIFE:GIVN  Age  Marriage  AnniversaryPlace  Children  MARR  DEAT  TREE  
1F10I28Gardiner, ChristopherCHRISTOPHER I70Porter, Mary "May"MARY 
2F63I184Gilliland, GeorgeGEORGE23I177Porter, Elizabeth "Lizzie"ELIZABETH16115 0YESY
3F21I59Kelso, BobBOB I58Paul, Sarah AnnSARAH ANN    0UY
4F23I65Patterson, JohnJOHN I30Shiels, LilaLILA 
5F62I165Paul, DavidDAVID27I178Lytle, Elizabeth "Lizzie"ELIZABETH251306YESY
6F32I86Paul, DavidDAVID I87Wilson, Martha AnnMARTHA ANN 
7F3I7Paul, Hugh WilsonHUGH WILSON48I8Craig, Sarah "Sara"SARAH281226YESY
8F69I194Paul, JamesJAMES I195Nelson or Harold, IreneIRENE     UH
9F53I157Paul, JamesJAMES ‏(Family name unknown)‏, ‏(Given name unknown)‏@P.N.    2UR
10F24I66Paul, Robert GeorgeROBERT GEORGE I31Shiels, Margaret Jane "Maimie"MARGARET JANE 
11F16I53Paul, SammySAMMY I39Shiels, NanNAN     UH
12F2I5Paul, Thomas AlexanderTHOMAS ALEXANDER35I6Shiels, Annie MaryANNIE MARY1984 11YESY
13F59I173Porter, FrancisFRANCIS I209Domer, MargaretMARGARET 1581YESY
14F76I211Porter, JosephJOSEPH ‏(Family name unknown)‏, ‏(Given name unknown)‏@P.N.    1UR
15F60I132Porter, SamuelSAMUEL20I174Anderson, JaneJANE 1470YESY
16F45I132Porter, SamuelSAMUEL27I142Keys, IsabellaISABELLA 1405YESY
17F48I144Scott, ‏(Given name unknown)‏@P.N. I143Porter, Anne "Anna Bella or Annie"ANNE     UW
18F7I21Wilson, HaroldHAROLD I17Paul, GrettaGRETTA     UW
19F31‏(Family name unknown)‏, ‏(Given name unknown)‏@P.N. I43Paul, Iris EvelynIRIS EVELYN 
Given Names

Total families : 19
HUSB:GIVN Given Names